Website Design

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Vertex Marketing Solutions can build you a stylish user friendly website at an affordable price taking into account your specific Business and Industry

Search Engine Optimisation

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If you already have a website and require Search Engine Optimization services, Vertex Marketing Solutions have proven track record that getting results on Google.

Lead Generation

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You dont care about all this website stuff and you simply want qualified sales leads? We've got you covered! Lets us send you pre-qualified calls and we only get paid when you do.

Sample of Themeforest Title

Having a mobile friend website today is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It’s an absolute MUST! In Australia alone, there are 16 million smart phone users. That’s 68% of the population. As the months and years progress, most people will be putting away their brick of a Nokia and jumping on a new Android or Apple device. Therefore, your Business has to be able to cater for this rapidly growing market. Most web searches these days are done on the fly. If you’re looking for a nearby Pizza shop, a Cafe or a Hair Salon – majority of the time this will be done on a mobile device. Its just too easy!

Your customers will not tolerate out of date websites that don’t automatically scale to fit their screen resolution. Intead, they’ll click the back button and go straight to your competitor’s website. So make sure that your website is compatible and has a responsive mobile friend layout. Vertex Marketing Solution specialises in creating dynamic responsive websites.

Mission Statement

Vertex Marketing Solutions is an innovative web development company dedicated to offering high-quality products, outstanding service and amazing results to local Businesses.
Today, you must have a social media presence to be competitive in the market place. Whether you like it or not, your customers will be talking about you online. We need to provide your customers a suitable platform to do this, whilst using the feedback to reposition your Business to meet the ever changing market place.


Being on the first page of Google should be your number #1 goal. We'll work with you to determine the correct keywords that you should be targeting and launch aggressive marketing campaigns to get you ranked on Google within 1 week!

Online Ordering Solutions

If your Business requires an online ordering solutions with shopping carts, checkout and Payment options, we can crater for that. Giving your customers the ability to add or subtract specific ingredients (eg, minus anchovies), Pay online or Cash on Delivery accepting all major credit cards and Bitcoins too.


Vertex Marketing Solutions only delivered Fully Responsive Websites; meaning that they're fully compatible with most mobile devices. As of 2013, 46% of all searches are done on a mobile. If positioned correct, it could be your Business popping up on their phone.


The ongoing maintenance of your sites can be handle in by Vertex Marketing Solutions or we can train one of your staff to use our user friends platform to published new content, update products and specials offering and campaigns.

Qualified Sales Leads

Getting the phone to ring from potential customers can be the hardest thing for Business owners. What if we can send you pre-qualified buyers ready to sign the deal? We can make this happen!


One of the most powerful ways to encourage reoccurring customer visits is to provide an adequate incentive. We can provide this by building a customer list and offering them irresistible offers to return to your Business over and over again.


Vertex Marketing Solutions can take care of all your marketing material including menu's, posters, flyers, eCards, Stationary and more. High Resolution quality graphics really do make your Business stand out like Professionals.

SEO done in Style! Viral Marketing utilising the power of Web 2.0 sites to drive massive amounts of traffic to your Business.

Vertex Marketing Solutions will crush your competition on Search Engine rankings with powerful SEO techniques known to only a handful of marketers.

Clients & Testimonials

The invaluable feedback we receive from our customers is what we use to transform and adjust our company values and direction. We encourage all of our clients to take on the feedback from their clients and use it to propel their Business forward in the right direction.