Welcome to Night Vale to launch new sci-fi series and podcasting network

By vertex
In July 13, 2017

The creators of Welcome to Night Valeare launching a new podcast network for fiction called Night Vale Presents. The first series, Alice Isn’t Dead, will star frequent Night Vale guest Jasika Nicole starring as a trucker in search of her missing wife.

The series continues Night Vale‘s journey into the weird heartland of America, with Nicole playing a truck driver who sets out on a cross-country search for a wife who was formerly presumed dead. Along the way, she’ll meet characters, creatures, and conspiracies spawned from the annals ofweird fictionan aesthetic that should be familiar to fans of Night Vale.

Alice Isn’t Dead

Alice Isn’t Deadhails fromNight ValecreatorsJoseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor and features music byNight Valecomposer Disparition. The podcast willairan initial season of 10 bi-weekly episodes written byFink, running March 8July 5.

In a statement, Nicole said she was drawn to Fink’s creepy writing, which blends homespun Americana with plenty of horror and supernatural elements. When I first read through the scripts, said Nicole, it was on a beautiful sunny day and I still felt creeped out. The food I was eating got cold, but I just couldnt stop reading.

Billed as “a mix of weird Americana, pulp horror, and serial mystery,” Alice Isn’t Deadwill be available for download from iTunes and other podcasting services as well as a Libsyn RSS feed.

The Night Vale Presents is part of the Night Valeteam’s goal to “encourage new, independent podcasting from writers and artists who havent worked in the format before.” The production company plans to produce more podcasts in 2016 and 2017 from original and independent artists in addition to the Night Valecreative team.

Additionally, the Night Valecreative team will be setting out on a tour of New Zealand and Australia in February and a U.S. tour beginning April 2. Check out more live show dates on the Night Vale website.

Update11:20 am CT,Jan. 21: This article has been updated to clarify that Night Vale Presentsis apodcasting network.

Photo via Welcome to Night Vale

Read more: http://www.dailydot.com/geek/alice-isnt-dead-new-podcast-series-from-night-vale/