Could Your Choice of Music Be Deterring New Customer?

By vertex
In April 7, 2015

The choice of music played at restaurants, bars, coffee shops and retail outlets are sadly never questioned by higher management. Instead, most music is the choice of the senior staff member on duty. Has it occurred to you that this could be costing you – the owner – new business?

For me, music is in the choice of what not to play as much as in what you’ve chosen to play.

If you haven’t figured out the answer to this puzzle, its all about playing the right music depending on your customer profile. Having been a professional DJ for over 15 years, I know this first hand. All my clients came from word of mouth. I simply played what the music they like, in turn I got referrals and I got repeat Business. No advertising. Can you imagine eliminate your advertising budget?

So starting today, know your customer? The banks are big on this now. Its a legal and compliance requirement for them to know who their customers are. This should also apply to you. Do some market research. ie. Ask your customers during checkout. Do a poll on social media.
The aim of the game is to keep your customers shopping for longer and keep coming back for more. The cream on the cake is these customers start telling their friends and family. This is because of a simple reason as you’ve started to play only only the genre of music that they like… but particular songs that they like.
Wishing you all the success,
The Vertex Team